Man was created as a triune being, made in the image of God Himself. There are three in the Godhead. There is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In man, who was created in the image of God we are spirit, soul, and body. The Father is a Spirit, and Jesus is the soul of the Father, and the Holy Spirit is the manifest presence of both. Whenever we see the physical manifest presence, the power of God, the visible and physical presence, these are the acts of the Holy Spirit.
Our spirit is automatically in line with the Godhead. Our soul however, must make the choice whether to follow the spirit or to follow the body. When our soul chooses the things of the spirit, our body will follow.
As the soul represents the mind, will, and emotions of Christ Jesus, our body will manifest the presence of the Holy Spirit. Now please understand what I am about to point out here... Signs, wonders, and miracles can manifest through a carnal person, and also a demonically influenced person (false signs, and wonders - Ex.7:11,22; 8:7; Matt.7:22; 24:24; 2 Thess.2:9; Rev.13:11-13; 16:14. If we look at signs, wonders, and miracles as the "approving" of God over someone's life we will be greatly deceived. God is after the fruit of the spirit in His people. It MUST be both the fruit of the spirit and the gifts working together.
So why would God use such a person?
"For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable (NKJ- Rom.11:29)
"For the gifts and callings of God are without repentance". (KJ - Rom.11:29)
"For God's gifts and His call are irrevocable - He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call." (Amplified Bible - Rom.11:29).
The Word of God also says to such ones, "Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?" And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness". (Matt.7:21-23)
The Lord is after a people whom He can trust with His gifts. He is testing the hearts of His people (Ex.20:20; Ps.11:4; 1 Cor.13:13). What will we do, and what are we doing with His gifts (Acts 8:9-25)?
Three stands for that which is solid, real, substantial, complete, and entire. All things that are especially complete are stamped with the number three. All throughout Scripture we can see the completion of the number three which is Divine, and marks Divine completeness and perfection.
There are three persons in one God, and there are three dimensions in a human being. Each dimension leads to a greater depth in the Godhead. The body is designed to follow the soul, which follows the spirit. The body will manifest what the spirit and soul are manifesting. Just as the Trinity works together as one, so the body as God designed it will work as one as we receive and walk out this revelation (1 Thess.5:23; 3 John 2).
Our body is the physical manifest presence of our spirit and soul. The Holy Spirit is the physical manifest presence of the Father and the Son. You see, Father gave us a jumpstart through His Son. What Christ did for us at the Cross not only set us free, but also gave us the ability to come into His fullness (1 Cor.2:16; Phil.2:5,6; Gal.2:20).
Our spirit is automatically saved when we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior. But there is a deeper experience and working that God desires to do. He longs to see us move from the
In the
In the Holy of Holies there was the Ark of the Covenant. The high priest would stand before it in a white garment, carrying the bowl of the blood of the sacrifice which he would sprinkle with his fingers seven times on the mercy seat between the cherubim. This occurred every year on Yom Kippur, the great Day of atonement.
The mercy Seat was the lid of the Ark of the Covenant. It was pure solid gold. On both sides of the Mercy Seat were the cherubim which were beaten and fashioned into form. They bowed inward toward the Mercy Seat.
The Mercy Seat is symbolic of our Lord Jesus. The Mercy seat sat on top of the Ark of the Covenant which is symbolic of the Throne of God. The Mercy Seat could only be seen after the sacrifice had been offered on the day of atonement. This is symbolic of the crucifixion of Jesus as He offered Himself on the cross as a sacrifice for all sin, and after His death, burial, and powerful resurrection, He ascended into Heaven and sat down on the throne of God. Those who receive and believe in Him as their Lord and Savior will manifest Him as they are also seated with Him in heaven (Eph.1:20-23; 2:6).
The two cherubim symbolize the Lord's supremacy over all powers. They give testimony (2 is the number for "testimony") of our Lord on the throne of God today as He has all power. As the cherubim were beaten into the image God had ordained; they also symbolize the grueling beating that Christ endured on the day of His crucifixion. There were also the beatings before that day wherein He was "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief" (Heb.5:8; Is.53). It was by Him allowing the Father to mold Him into the very image of His soul that brought forth the Devine Blueprint for all of us to walk out. When hope seems crushed and beaten, it is through our bowing toward the Mercy Seat that brings us to the Throne room of God where we are formed into the image of Christ Jesus (Phil.1:29; 1 Pet.4:1,2).
The Throne of God is a blood sprinkled Throne. By faith we see the Blood as it is within us and over us. The Blood of Christ joins the Church together as brothers and sisters in His Body. When God sees the Blood, He knows that all accusations against us have been met at every point, and it is here that we can stand in His righteousness, and not our own (Heb.10:19-22; Rev.12:10; Zechariah Chapter 3 - Joshua "Yeshua" in Hebrew means "God is Salvation". Joshua was a type and shadow of Jesus as leader into inheritance - a Captain who brought God's people into their inheritance). This revelation brings us into the full stature of Christ as we walk out the unfolding of God's working from eternity to eternity.
Within the
The "Ten Commandments (the Decalogue given by God) were placed within the
Aaron's rod was also placed within the
Aaron's priesthood is a type and shadow of the royal priesthood of Jesus Christ (1 Pet.2:5,9-10). Every believer has been given the kingly and priestly anointing (Rev. 1:6; 5:10; 20:6).
The manna represents the "Bread of Life" Himself (John 6:51. The Lord declared, "...if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world (John 6:51)."
In 1 Cor.10:16-17, Paul explains about the bread, which we break. It is the communion of the Body of Christ. Are we not the Body? Paul explains further that though there are many within the Body, we are one bread, and one body; for we are all partakers of the "one body". Jesus, who is the Bread of Life, was taken from the bosom of Father, broken at the Cross, and given in the resurrection. There is plenty of bread in our Father's house (Luke 15:17), and as often as we eat this Bread, and drink this Cup, we show the power of the Lord's death until He comes (1 Cor.11:26).
The Ark of the Covenant was within the
The Holy of holies was separated from the Holy place by the veil (Ex.26:31-35). It was within this place that Moses was told by God that he would commune with Him. God's people have the hope of entering in the Holy of holies through the "veil" which represents the flesh of Jesus who is for us a portal to all the blessings we have and will have. He is our entry into the gate of the Court (justification), the door into the Holy place (sanctification), and the veil into the Holy of holies (glorification); for He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).
Remember when I shared that God often reveals His purposes in threes?
In the
In the Holy place we encounter "the Truth" about who we are and who we are not, and who Jesus is, and who He is not. As we receive and walk in "the Truth", the veil is lifted from our eyes as we pass through into "the Life"(Holy of holies). We express here the very Life of Christ. We are dead to selfish ambitions, insecurities, and dis-ease.
There are Divine conditions before entering into the Holy of holies. The Holy of holies was a perfect cube measuring 10 cubits on each side. This implies the perfection of condition it represents - the divine nature (2 Pet.1:4), which has been tested and tried. The entrance into the divine conditions was made possible through Christ who entered into heaven itself and now appears in the presence of God for us all (Heb.9:24).
As we enter and abide in the Holy of holies, it is here that we also abide in the spirit. We are no longer young men and women; we have now become spiritual adults. We have become perfect (mature) as Christ is perfect (Matt.5:48; John 17:23; Heb.6:1; Phil.2:5; Gal.2:20). We are maturing in Him, walking in true humility as we ever change from glory to glory (radiating the Shekinah glory of God) - 2 Cor.3:18. It is here within the Holy of holies that we walk in the 100-fold anointing. There is no flicker of light in this place. We are walking in the Divine Light that radiates the very Life of Christ to the lost and dying world. There is no indulgence of the flesh as our body has come in line with our soul that is now in line with our spirit. This is the character and nature of the Trinity (Gen.1:26).
When we apprehend the not so delightful side of God; allowing Him to put His prophetic finger on those areas that are holding us back - our soul is set free from the entanglement of our body. Instead of our soul following our flesh, it is following the spirit.
Again, let's look at the three dimensions of God. Have you ever wondered about the meaning of Holy of holies? What does holies mean?
Let's look at the King of kings, Lord of lords, and the Holy of holies for a moment. Are those who have received Christ, kings and priests (Rev.1:6)? Are we not lords (Deut.10:17; Ps.82:6; John 10:35)?
Is God Holy? Did he not say to His people to be holy for He is Holy (Lev. 19:2)?
So is it not correct to say that we are kings, lords, and a holy people? For God is the King of kings, Lord of lords, and the Holy of holies!
It is
Now, we really need to get this revelation... "The unveiling of Christ is given to this generation. In times past God has given it, but the religious have always quenched it. We have been around this mountain before church! We must understand that the kingship anointing is more than the gifts (1 Cor.12:4-11). The gifts are given, but the fruit is grown (Gal.5:22; Phil.4:17). Gifts are given in the Outer Court, but the fruit is grown in the Holy place (sanctification), and both gifts and fruit are manifested fully and completely (glorification - the very Life of the God-Head) within the Holy of holies.
For far too long the gifts have flowed through a people who have had little to no "real" fruit. What many have called the fruit of the spirit is really the gifts of the Holy Spirit. What we see as the fruit of a ministry is really something that God has given to man with no call for repentance (Rom.11:29 -kjv). However, what is really the fruit of a ministry is "both" - the gifts and the fruit working together.
To understand the end time events is to understand the power of the Trinity of the God-Head, and the trinity of our being (Gen.1:26). The image that God has called us into is powerfully transforming if only we move through the narrow place (Matt.7:13-14). For years we have tried to carry our baggage (traditions of men) through the narrow place and it just won't fit!
Jesus is not returning for a people who remain in the Outer Court, nor the Holy Place. He is returning to be glorified in His saints (a holy people who abide in the Holy of holies) - 2 Thess.1:10. Within His saints first, He shall establish His glory and be revealed in "power". These are a people who are in the present truth, and they shall rule the earth in God's power (Rev.2:26). He is returning as the King of a kingly anointed people, and Lord of a people who manifest their lordship and office in the holiness of the Holy God Himself.
hi traci,
ReplyDeletethis is some awesome stuff!! i'll probably send these out on my newsletter if that is ok with you!
You have great articles…
ReplyDeleteYou ought to write a book! Good stuff..... sorry you couldn't make the meeting on the 15th... I really wanted to see ya'll.
ReplyDeleteSee you in October!
Love to you both,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading your writings on the three dimensions of God. Keep on writing!
Love you,
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful study! It's soooo complete!!!
Thank you for your hard labor!! You've blessed me, and I'm sure many brothers and sisters.