The Internet has truly been a blessing. This global system of interconnected computer networks not only has served billions of users worldwide, but has also has been active in gathering the Body of Christ together more than any other resource created by man. There are network of networks of private, public, academic, business, etc. of local to global that are linked by a broad array of electronic and optical networking technologies.
Most traditional communications such as telephone and television services are redefined using the technologies of the Internet, giving rise to services such as Voice over Internet Protocol. Newspaper publishing has been reshaped into Web sites, blogging, and web feeds. The Internet has enabled and accelerated the creation of new forms of human interactions through instant messaging, internet forums, and social networking sites. Wow, what an incredible time we live in!
Although this is indeed an incredible time to live in, it is also a time of increased busy-ness that is overwhelming and wearing out the multitudes. Many things to do, places to go, faces to see, contacts to be made, and so many more foxes that are presently spoiling the vine (Song 2:15). I have often wondered how people get their work done. How do they communicate on face-book, twitter, myspace, dozens of other networks, plus text message their friends and family and function as a responsible employee, let alone have time for the Lord?
It seems most are seeking the internet first thing rather than the Lord. This isn’t everyone, but I dare say most of us have been caught up in this trap from time to time. In seeking the internet we find ourselves comparing ourselves with those who commend themselves, measuring ourselves and comparing ourselves among others causing ourselves to be in great error (2 Cor.10:12).
You and I who are in Christ are a “living stone” being built up a spiritual house, a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hidden because its on a hill for all to see with such brightness, such illuminating power wherein revealing the Glory of the Lord (Matt.5:15).
“Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Pet.2:4,5).
There is a vital part in us being “living stones.” Christians should be likened to a “nuclear” radiation that transmits the presence of the Lord to all who are near. As our very being has the life and energy of the Holy Spirit, we come alive like a transmitter. We affect all those who are near us. What we must understand is this manifest presence “appearing” (Parousia – presencing) of our Lord doesn’t happen without the “epignosis” (experiential intimate knowledge) of Him.
Each individual is different. It is vitally important that we understand what our expression is and not clone another (Please read 1 Cor.12). When we learn to be what we really are and release ourselves with good grace all that we are not, we find ourselves in Peace that is fulfilling and everlasting. The most exhausting tormenting thing in life is being something we were never created to be. We betray ourselves and others around us by what is false within.
Imitating others can be the highest form of honor to those who are being imitated. Apostle Paul said to join in following him as an example, and note those who so walk, as you have us as a pattern (Phil.3:17). Paul wasn’t saying to clone him, or take on his personality and actions. People who clone personalities and anointing rob themselves of God’s gift in them. They are missing the incredible gift of Christ’s expression within themselves that no one on the face of this earth has but them.
It is by coming to the Lord and sitting with Him in silence that the impartation is released. We don’t just function out of the gift He has given, but we minister in and through Christ Himself. Not only is He in us, but we are also to be in Him (John 15:4-9). We can become so entangled in a system which constitutes our ministry that we forget the objective. Christ's image and the effects of His image should always be our goal. It is possible to function out of our gifting, or someone else’s, rather than the Spirit with little to no relationship with our Lord.
“Many will say to Me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast our demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?” And then I will declare to them, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness (Matt.7:22,23)”.
Time of solitude with the Lord is where we come to “experientially” know Him, not just about him, but truly “know” Him. There is a deep relationship with the Lord wherein we experience Christ and His indwelling presence in reality. Not one thing, not any other person, nor any other place can ever increase the anointing than the Anointer Himself. We can have hands laid on us all day long, all week long, we can have people call us, text us, pray for us and write us great prophetic words that will only temporarily refresh us, and I thank God for such times, as I’ve truly needed the encouragement from my brethren, but the only lasting restoration in our life is the aboding habitation of Christ that only comes by spending quality time in Him.
There is a higher dimension of communion with our Lord that He is seeking to bring us into. Presently the Lord is dealing with our willingness to settle for "less" than what He has intended for us. There is a longing in the heart of the Lord for a people who will relate to Him. There is a "deep that is crying out to a deep within us"(Ps.42:7), that He might find the satisfaction which He envisioned when He created us.
There is many seeking a greater, higher dimension in Christ, but not seeking Him to get there. They seek facebook, twitter and other networks to see what are the latest greatest revelations, the latest format, and applicable sensations. It has come down to a pretty big problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time.
Thanks for continually showing the way. The truth pierces the heart, and shines light on any error that exists. A mirror certainly helps to see clearly.
ReplyDeleteThis message brings us to a place of truth..........are we being built up by Him or other means!! Also, the way we can turn, and be filled with our Lord......the author and finisher of His church. To recognize error is the beginning of change. To minister without love is robbing the church.
This reminds me of a show I once watched.......Several people tried to convince the judges of being a person described by a panel. Only one was the true person. The game was to pick the real person out of 4 or so people pretending to be the actual one. The end was the actual person described standing up.
It's very easy to get pulled into busy...ness and miss the filling we need daily. I can sure testify to that unfortunately!
- Lana
"This is a good and timely article Traci.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe we were created to live in 'cities.' (And all the 'convienence trappings' that go with them) I believe we were created to live in smaller communities where our relationships were to be types & shadows per se of our relationship with God (ie: needing one another 'for one another' verses needing one another for what each of us could 'do' for the other - big difference)
As the days of lawlessness increase, so does spiritual blindness. The 'short-cut' to revelation these days is to 'check-out someone else's' view of things. In this way we seek 'second-hand' revelation. And if the truth be known, we do that (1) either because we are too lazy or spiritually undisciplined to seek it out in the Presence of the Lord for ourselves, or
I certainly don't want to sound legalistic, but I think that America has been so saturated with a 'cross-less gospel' that many people, who honestly think they are Christians, are not. The worst part is that they are decieved to the point that any presentation of the Gospel of the cross sounds like legalism to them. And with a knee-jerk kind of reaction, they reject it.
People cannot be 'preached' out of this state of blindness. They must be prayed out.
I love America. I am as patriotic a person as you will find. But that patriotism is presently expressed in asking God to forgive us our sins; correct us by His saving hand; and minimize the costs of doing that.
Minimize but not withhold.
I think the spiritual facebook connection is the one we need to make with the 'glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.' I think, above all things, we need to be connecting with the priesthood expression of Jesus in Heb 7:24-25. I think that THIS is to be found made in His image. And it is the greatest need of our time.
Oh that we would pray, "Lord Jesus, teach us how to pray. Teach us how to come into a communion of humility with You wherein we see that we are not everything we have thought we are as a Church. Help us to pray repentfully.
Help us to give ourselves over into Your hands honestly. Teach us to love others with our intercessions. Help us get past our 'self-focus' to see what You see; feel what You feel; and pray what You pray for the Church and the world."
"Oh to be seated in heavenly places with You Lord Jesus in Spirit and Truth!
In experiential reality! To genuinely see Your love for us. To see You as first love. As our Beloved! To see You as peace. To see You as our righteousness. To know You in abiding relationship! To be moved towards the needs of others 'together with You,' by Your perfect love."
"Heal our eyes Lord! Heal our hearts Lord! Give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You, that our hearts might have the chance to choose life and genuine love without confusion. Let the brightness of the glory of Your face blind us to all that is not You. Have mercy on us by becoming this undeniable light in every part of our lives, Lord. Shine on us anew. Amen."
awesome article Traci.
ReplyDeleteI love that about you. This is so apostolic, as you are seeking to help people find their place in God and doing it the right way. Your heart is that we would seek first the kingdom. That is a true apostle. You long for people to set things in order in their lives so they can move forward in their calling.
Thank you
Thanks, Traci. Those were good reminders. I needed to be reminded. It's so easy to become entangled with striving "to get there," without the seeking of the One who must be the One who will take us there . . . wherever there is.
This is a good and timely article Traci.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe we were created to live in 'cities.' (And all the 'convienence trappings' that go with them) I believe we were created to live in smaller communities where our relationships were to be types & shadows per se of our relationship with God (ie: needing one another 'for one another' verses needing one another for what each of us could 'do' for the other - big difference)
As the days of lawlessness increase, so does spiritual blindness. The 'short-cut' to revelation these days is to 'check-out someone else's' view of things. In this way we seek 'second-hand' revelation. And if the truth be known, we do that (1) either because we are too lazy or spiritually undisciplined to seek it out in the Presence of the Lord for ourselves, or (2) WE DON'T KNOW THE LORD AND DON'T HAVE HIS SPIRIT.
I certainly don't want to sound legalistic, but I think that America has been so saturated with a 'cross-less gospel' that many people, who honestly think they are Christians, are not. The worst part is that they are decieved to the point that any presentation of the Gospel of the cross sounds like legalism to them. And with a knee-jerk kind of reaction, they reject it.
People cannot be 'preached' out of this state of blindness. They must be prayed out.
I love America. I am as patriotic a person as you will find. But that patriotism is presently expressed in asking God to forgive us our sins; correct us by His saving hand; and minimize the costs of doing that. Minimize but not withhold.
I think the spiritual facebook connection is the one we need to make with the 'glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.' I think, above all things, we need to be connecting with the priesthood expression of Jesus in Heb 7:24-25. I think that THIS is to be found made in His image. And it is the greatest need of our time.
Oh that we would pray, "Lord Jesus, teach us how to pray. Teach us how to come into a communion of humility with You wherein we see that we are not everything we have thought we are as a Church. Help us to pray repentfully. Help us to give ourselves over into Your hands honestly. Teach us to love others with our intercessions. Help us get past our 'self-focus' to see what You see; feel what You feel; and pray what You pray for the Church and the world."
"Oh to be seated in heavenly places with You Lord Jesus in Spirit and Truth! In experiential reality! To genuinely see Your love for us. To see You as first love. As our Beloved! To see You as peace. To see You as our righteousness. To know You in abiding relationship! To be moved towards the needs of others 'together with You,' by Your perfect love."
"Heal our eyes Lord! Heal our hearts Lord! Give us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You, that our hearts might have the chance to choose life and genuine love without confusion. Let the brightness of the glory of Your face blind us to all that is not You. Have mercy on us by becoming this undeniable light in every part of our lives, Lord. Shine on us anew. Amen."
ReplyDeleteSomehow your name was posted at the end of another post. Don't know what happened, Sorry about that. I'm posting your comment here below.
yes amen to you TRACI .. great article .. I put it this way .. JESUS only traveled 30 miles around NAZARETH .. SO LETS JUST call it .. PLAIN old everyday NAZARETH living .. AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED !!!!!!!!!