“And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” (Rev.21:2)
The Corporate Body of Christ has been in preparation for the Millennial Kingdom of God for the last two millennia. Over the last 4 or 5 decades, there has been acceleration in time, a shift that is demanding a wake up call out of the false comfort that many have been caught up in.
There are some who have been captured in a false rapture theology in looking “up” in the natural. They are looking for a way out of this world, while God is looking for a way in, and He wants to use you and me to do it.
“The Lord will go forth like a warrior. He shall stir up jealousy like a man of war. He shall cry, yea, roar; He shall prevail against His enemies.” (Is.42:13 -kj)
He created the world. He loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son for it (John 3:16). He does intend, destine, and purpose to take over the world (Rev.11:15). Yes, we ARE to take over the world and the fullness thereof. There are those who have a, limp wristed, roll over, slumped over, whispery, effeminate, pathetic jesus, that is NOT Jesus at all, and its time to release the real Jesus in this world. Will the real Jesus please stand up!
It does not yet appear what we shall be, because we are being transformed into His same image from “glory to glory (2 Cor.3:18).”
As I mentioned last week, when a new born baby arrives it does not start grade school the next day. And so it is with the Corporate Body of Christ. As explained by Apostle Peter, a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day (2 Pet.3:8,9). Peter was speaking prophetically of the Church age (two thousand years). The third-day however is the Millennial Day and it is here that the Body of Christ (which is exactly that – His body) will be brought into maturity. This maturity that Christ spoke of is that of His body and His head coming together as one. For two thousand years Christ has looked for a place to rest His head.
“Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man has no where to lay His head”. (Luke 9:58)
As we are entering in to the third day since the resurrection of Christ and about to see the birthing of the seventh day (millennial / the seventh day since creation) we shall have a deeper revelation of His “rest”. Again, there is a “Sabbath/rest” in Christ rather than “trusting/or working” in the law as clarified in the symbolism of Isaac and Ishmael.
In John 14:6, the Lord says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life…”
In the first day so to speak (the
In the second day (the Holy place - sanctification) we encounter "the Truth" about who we are and who we are not, and who Jesus is, and who He is not.
As we enter into this “Third Day”, we are being drawn into the Holy of holies - Glorification; it is here that we also abide in the spirit. We are no longer young men and women in this place; we have become spiritual adults. We have become perfect (mature) as Christ is perfect (Matt.5:48; John 17:23; Heb.6:1; Phil.2:5; Gal.2:20). We are mature in Him, walking in true humility as we ever change from glory to glory (radiating the Shekinah glory of God) - 2 Cor.3:18.
There is much more than what I have written here regarding the first, second, and third day. I don’t want this message to lose its context, but want you to see what has been happening with the
Let’s go back to Heb.12, starting with verse 18-21. These verses are referring to ancient
From verses 18-21 we see a strong contrast between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant.
In Gal.4:21-26 we also see powerful symbolism in the Old (human effort), and the New (Redeemed by the Blood of Christ). Apostle Paul tells us that we have not come to the “human effort” of the Old Covenant. We are not working our way to heaven, we are already there (Eph.2:6; Phil.3:20)!
“But you have come unto
If we see through the eye of the Spirit we will grasp that we are a heavenly/spiritual people who are from “above” and not of this world. We may be in the world, but we are not of this world. We are in the world with a mission from above (higher thoughts, higher ways – Is.55:8,9) with a panoramic and aerial” Cristocentric” (Christ-centered) viewpoint.
So, what exactly is this
The Body of Christ has diverse members, men and women who are of different ethnic groups. In Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus (Gal.3:28). Men are referred to as the Bride just as much as women are the son’s of God, and also referred to as brethren. So, collectively we, men and women, black, red, yellow and white, rich and poor make up the Body of Christ.
Our Beloved Christ is the “firstborn” of many brethren (Rom.8:29). He lamented over
For some it is difficult to see God as who He really is. When God said, "Let US make man in Our image, according to Our likeness..." it was with the intention of just that. In this message I am not making God out to be male or female... God is God. Out of Him both came - we, men and women, have our essence, and from Him we come. They (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) are complete in each other, and we are complete in Them.
Before I go on, there needs to be something addressed that is quite difficult in our day and age. We live in a world where all should be treated the same regardless of little to no effort of progress on the individuals part. In fact, others should carry their lazy derrieres through life. This is not Biblical. When Peter said in Acts 10:34 that he perceived that God shows no partiality, most fail to read the following verses where it clearly states that whoever fears Him and works righteousness (promises to obedience) is accepted by Him. So, in pointing out that Scripture I hope we understand there are things we must do to enter “into” as His Bride Company.
Not all Christians will be the Bride. Yes, I did write that. This does not mean Christians who are not the Bride will go to hell. What it does mean is they are not chosen to reign with Christ in the
There is the “Mother Jerusalem”, and there are “the daughters of
The Revelation 3:15ners will never understand the passion for Christ as the Bride Company has for her Beloved. He is all she can think about, dream about, live for and be enraptured by. The Bride Company is consumed by His Life and no other.
The Mother Jerusalem is those within the Body of Christ who live, move and have their being in Christ who is the first born of many brethren (Rom.8:29). He gathers His children as a hen gathers her chicks (Matt.23:37). He gathers His children into His arms and carries them in His bosom (Is.40:11). Those who press into Him and long to live, move, and have their being in and through Him gather the daughters (the children) of
These men and women serve the people with their lives. They give and give and give with little to no knowledge from the children of what they give. Like Jesus, like apostle Paul, the Beloved John, and so many known and unknown of Christ from the past to present, there are men and women who travail in birth until Christ is formed into the people (Gal.4:19). Mother Jerusalem carries the key of the children's souls in her bosom.
Wow! You left me speechless. This is an eye opener. I can only speak for myself, and hope others see where they are, and where they should be as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you.........you brought the truth together with a way in. If anyone uses a thermometer and mirror they'll grasp the truth and press in with fear and trembling. Oh my, it is so easy to get lost in deception.
Thanks again!
Great message........I'm going to go back through the "Dimensions of God," and read this two part series again.
I not only received the holy conviction I needed through your messages. I received the way in which to go! This gives the church hope.........conviction to be the example, show the way, and that you did in love. This is a life giving message of hope and prosperity!!!
The song "Mercy Seat," is sounding through me right now! I'm running, I'm running to the Mercy Seat where
Jesus is calling. His grace will be my covering. His blood will flow freely and provide my healing.
You and I, among others receive His beautiful grace, knowing that He cleanses us from all unrighteousness as we desire it.
ReplyDeleteWhat I was talking about is those who continue to walk the fence while thinking they will glide in on the shirt tale of others. Like the five virgins who did not trim their lamps (self-examination and dealings), and then asked for oil for their own lamps when they knew they should be getting themselves prepared. They were not ignorant. They had heard the warnings. They had plenty of opportunity to change their ways, but were caught up in the world.
I’m not talking about baby Christians either. The Baby Christian must be caught up in our arms and gathered close to our bosom. The Lord knows their heart. The heart of man is in the hands of the Lord.
Amen to that! - Thanks for the encouraging word.
ReplyDelete- M -
Yes, the Lord is moving heaven and earth for His perfect will, in His perfect timing, for His purposes.
ReplyDeleteDear Sister Traci,
ReplyDeleteI just got to read your article on Mother Jerusalem, and wanted to let you know that I agree with you 100% on it, especially where you stated that the whole church is not the Bride. Halleluyah! The Lord revealed this to me back in the mid-80's, but I've been somewhat reluctant to share it with very many people because of it's "heresy".
Then I read Rick Joiner's books of the visions God gave him (The Final Call, etc.) , in which He told Rick that "Many are called but few are chosen. Many will attend the wedding feast, but few will be the Bride." That really encouraged me to share it with more people, as you have now done. Thank God that more of His kids are getting this revelation, and are willing to make it known.
God bless you both, and keep up the good work.
Hi Traci,
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your word, as always.
Blessings to you.
wonderful message.. could feel the flow on the mind of christ.. love to all
ReplyDeleteI finally able to read this. i took time to take it all in. I have witness. never thought of those things but my spirit witness to it.
ReplyDeleteIf we[the on fire remnant] pass away into the spiritual realm, what role will we play in this, the seventh millenium?
ReplyDeleteI will answer your question in a private e-mail.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you - Traci