"We are entering a season of unbridled power."
Chuck Pierce, Sept. 8, 2010
"If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his
tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless." James 1:26
"Now if we put the bits into the horses' mouths so that they may obey us, we direct their entire body as well." James 3:3.
I make no claims of being a master horseman, just a fair-to-middlin' badlands cowboy, but I know some real horsemen and I disagree with them somewhat on the matter of bits.
For those of you who don't know, bits come in many forms, shapes, sizes and functions. Most trainers begin with an O-ring snaffle and progress slowly through a series of mouthpieces -- shanked snaffle, low-ported curb, grazing bit, and others -- until they find a mouthpiece the horse adapts to best, or, they adapt a horse to the ultimate bit, a Spanish spade of which there are several varieties.
My horses have always "told" me that they hate bits, and yet, they are required as a training tool.
The Law is our early bit. It jerks our head around when we want to go our own way. In other words, the Law "plow-reins" us. Gradually, we learn to respond to the Spirit and the Lord can "neck rein" us. Instead of being forcibly pulled we respond to a slight push. There are important spiritual lessons in this.
Horses and horsemanship seem to carry important messages at this time. A number of people I know have been having dreams or visions about horses, and red horses in particular. Interestingly, Secretariat's nickname was "Big Red."
Paul Keith Davis has been teaching all year on the spiritual messages found in the life of the great race horse, Secretariat. If you have not heard any of these messages I would invite you to go to whitedoveministries.org and purchase the teaching, Destiny of a Generation, or read his August newsletter. Secretariat, physically, had an unusually large heart, yet this mountain of horseflesh, this was controlled by an O-Ring snaffle, one of the mildest of bits. Yet, I would say there is even a higher way.
Recently I purchased a Bitless Bridle for my good young gelding, Simon. A Bitless Bridle is a new concept, it is not similar to a bosal or mechanical hackamore, and Simon, who has a very sensitive mouth, responds to it well though he will require more schooling with a bit to develop his skills first. Yet, as I said earlier, I am convinced horses hate bits, but the good ones learn to tolerate them. To cowboys, bits are all to often simply a symbol of pride and well-crafted ones may cost a thousand dollars each.
Still, there is a higher way yet, and that is being "unbridled." (See Chuck Pierce quote above.)
If we learn to allow the Spirit to control our mind and tongue we change from being plow-reined to neck-reined. The more we respond to the slightest pressure of the Spirit the less necessary pressure becomes. When the "mouth" is sanctified the bit is no longer required and we move into a "bitless" bridle because there is still need for control over our head (mind.)
When our head (mind) is in synch with our Master we are allowed to be "unbridled."
One friend recently sent me the link below then quickly two confirmations came: one, a magazine I occasionally write for has this horsewoman on the cover this month and it sits on the desk here beside me, and, two, another prophetic intercessor emailed me to say she'd watched this performance below recently.
Watch and enjoy this brilliant example of communication between horse and rider, then stop and consider; imagine yourself as the horse and the Holy Spirit as the rider.
The article as well as the link spoke so many volumes to me, I can hardly express how much. Especially in the "walk" He's had me, this speaks just volumes. Thank you so very much for sharing this with me. Have you ever read a little brochure (not sure exactly what to call it) called "The Harness of the Lord?"
ReplyDeleteIt was given to me many, many years ago and is so very full of the Holy Ghost. But it connects so well with what you've sent and the YouTube connection. All I could do was sit here and grin and grin and grin. A picture indeed is worth a thousand words!
Watching that video was amazing. I have only read this once this morning - I do read the articles at least twice. But for now my first reaction is he is saying the more pressure we have is because the less we are willing to be led by the HS and he is having to bridle us til our mindset changes? HMMMM. Will re-read.
ReplyDeleteI always like the stuff this guy writes. I felt a little lost in this one, (not being a cowboy and all); but the 'video'..... Man! Does that speak, or what!
ReplyDeleteIt also spoke to me on another level. The Lord gave me Ps 32:8-9 just before I came here. Verse 9 speaks of this bit&bridle. And the Lord gave me a short vision on verse 9.
I saw that I was the horse and He (Jesus) was the Master (rider). He was encourgaing me past fear to 'motion.' And He showed me that, in regards to the Father's perfect will), even if I went foward too fast, He was able to 'reign' me back in. (He used rein in that spelling)
If I went to far to the left or right, He would 'reign' me back into the center of the correct path. And even if I went 180 degrees in the wrong direction from the perfect will of God, He would 'reign' me back in the right direction...as long as my faith was in foward motion.
He then showed me a picture of the horse stopped, afraid to move forward. There, He showed me how the reins in the hands of the rider were no good. The rider shook them forward (as if to make the horse go forward) but the reins were just limp. They had no power at all. They weren't designed to make the horse go. They were designed to guide it while it was going. And the Lord clearly said, If your faith does not have forward (fearless) motion...I cannot 'reign' over your life. Faith without love actively at work is dead. I need your motion and your motion (activated love) needs My guiding governance. Together, we glorify the Father.'
I watched an interview with this lady where she said she trained that horse for three years just to get her to a place where she could rider her at all without a bit & bridle. She trained her for another year to get her to the place they could do this show.
So, I wonder... What kind of bits & bridles I have been through since arriving here? Has my training been pleasing to the Lord? Have I 'learned' to need less bit? To be more at one with Him?
I don't know the answer to that question, but I do know that the Lord has been faithful to guide me through the gauntlet of challenges to keep me going. He expects certain, specific, not-so-easy things of me. But then too, (like the lady on the horse) He pets me and loves me and encourages me in ways that I can't really explain with words.
What patience He must have to work with me in such a way! Do I have that same patience when discipling others? Can I 'wait' on them? Do I 'pet' them enough? Am I trying to train them to 'be me' or am I leading them into a true oneness with Jesus and the Father?
Always more to learn, but oh how I hope one day to be 'this horse' ( the one in the video) for the Lord. To feel His hand in my mane like that. To move-at-one with His will.
Traci -
ReplyDeleteI just watched Staci and her horse and I have cried through the whole thing - it was so beautiful... My heart is tender and responsive right now. I want to be as responsive as Staci's horse, who is a beautiful picture of what the Bride should be like.
Thanks for sharing it with us....
Wow … I just saw this video today. Amazing … it made me cry.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sending it Traci …
Oh Lord, make me unbridleable … to be a better bride.
I would have never thought this possible. What an awesome comparison to following the Holy Spirit! It sure lets you know the problem with either wanting to obey or not is a choice we all have.
ReplyDeleteThe messages were something to chew on.