I found this word in my file. It was a word I delivered in July of 2005. It was a very strange experience because I was sitting down behind a table we had on the platform at the church. It was at one of the large women's conferences we had, there were about 500 women present. We were in the midst of having a panel discussion dealing with leaders. Suddenly it was as if an earthquake was happening. I could feel this distinct rumble under my chair as if all of the earth under me was shaking. Furthermore, I not only felt it, I heard it. Everything was shaking, everything.
As I read it, I heard the Lord say this word is for now. I did not send it out then. I held onto it. I believe this word will help guide you, create understanding concerning the times and seasons we are in, and give you the key to the door of deliverance.
The Word -
There is a rumbling in the earth. God is rumbling you out of mindsets, positions, identity, locations, relationships, bondages, fears. I was sitting here and I could hear it, I could hear this constant ongoing and seemingly unending rumbling of rocks under us, and it was shaking everything. It was as if we were standing on rocks, round rocks; and they were all moving and rumbling. And they just kept rumbling. We could hardly maintain our footing.
What I want to say is that there is a rumbling in the earth. God has placed you on unsure footing. Because He is changing your mind; He is repositioning your feet, to place you where he has been developing you to stand. Not necessarily geographically but within the place that you are assigned. He is shifting your anointing, he is increasing your strength and courage and even now there is a shaking off of the old. There will be no old left.
Fear not the instability under your feet for it will shake and then it will shake and the shaking will not stop, for the Lord is creating a scenario for massive change. For the Church will not look as it has in the past. So look not to the past, but stand in the present, and look to the future. For the unsteadiness, the insecurity, the instability and the failure to be able to fully define-is of God.
Because he wants you to let go of how you have known things to be; even how you view things; and He wants you to look to Him and to leaders that God has given to you, to reposition you for the new thing.
Fear not the unsteadiness under your feet and also do not try to define it prematurely. As you wait upon the Lord, the Lord will bring the clarity and the definition. But even the instability and unsteadiness has been created by him. There is a rumbling that has already started in the heavens. But the Lord would declare to you that the rumbling is also now on earth under the feet of leaders, for He is calling us out of the old, out of the past, out of that which would trap us in nonproductivity and irrelevancy, to reposition ourselves for the future. And we will not only look spiritually different, but we will not look the same physically, the way we have in the past, for we have entered a season of massive change.
Fear not the rumbling, for I will shake you out of the systems and paradigms that have held the Church captive and I will cause you to be poured out in a whole new way to the world. I am shaking the Church and I am shaking the world. The rumbling will not soon disappear until it has accomplished its full work to shake the Church and to shake the world. For I will have a meeting place with my people, and what is left when the rumbling is done will be a people who release the kingdom of God on earth. And the Church will be poured out into the world. (Heb 12)
As I was pondering this word, the Spirit of God fell on me and I wrote the rest of this now, July 23, 2010.
I am delivering you out of Babylon and I am delivering Babylon out of you. For I will have a people in this hour who like Daniel stood within Babylon but Babylon was not in him. At times fear will grip you like a vise and you will wonder if you can withstand the fear. It will feel like terror will overtake you.
But I say to you it is part of the shaking, I am shaking you out of Babylon and shaking Babylon out of you so that you can stand in the midst and rule. When your shaking is complete, there will come a delivering mantle on you and you will cause the gates of Babylon to shake and its walls will fall.
Whew!... Yes indeed...there is a WHOLE LOT of ROCKIN and ROLLIN going on...